Fresh Flowers & Other Unique Bouquet Ideas

Your wedding bouquet is a great way to express your personality, in addition to giving you something to nervously grip as you walk down the aisle! 

This bouquet was a Pinterest-inspired project that one of our brides Stephanie made last Fall…each element of the bouquet was a sentimental item collected from family members and friends.  She did an awesome job putting it together!  


Having her bridesmaids carry fans was a great idea too:


For fresh flowers, we love Sherri Lester’s work!  She’s done bouquets for many of our brides over the years.  Fresh flowers look so pretty in the natural light- here are some examples of her bouquets she’s made: 






If you’re thinking about a fresh bouquet but not sure what you’d like, Sherri can design something creative and one-of-a-kind.